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About Dijana

The journey of self-awareness, courage and evolution has been an intense one for me (like many on Earth at this magnificent time), especially over the last three to four years. As I've journeyed to Soul Integrity, so has my work, my business ~ is the ever evolving, expanding dance between the Universe and I, as we merge our rhythm in equal measure of receiving and giving, at Peace, in Harmony, and in SERVICE to YOU and the Collective.

I AM a qualified Holistic and Transpersonal Counsellor. When I graduated in 2005, I immediately started to practice in my own business, Living Empowered. Living Empowered represented to me a new way of BEING, integrating all aspects of self into awareness, acceptance and love. To this day the core foundations and intention for Living Empowered stay the same.


What has evolved over the last 11 years has been the group work, the teaching, paying 'it' forward. As I've stepped into my own Self-Mastery, a higher Cosmic vibration of Light, I've been guided to teach, write, create, record, broadcast, publish. Be in Service to Unity Consciousness, assist with the setting of those core foundations. And with that, Cosmic~D~Light was born. was birthed to Light in January this year (2016) with both Living Empowered sessions AND Cosmic~D~Light Groups (classes, retreats, workshops).

I AM 'dijana' and my team of souls that support and love me unconditionally is the 'org'. Everything on this website comes from my higher heart, higher intelligence and the absolute depth and wisdom of my SOUL.

It is with humble Gratitude that I receive your presence on this website.

I AM in Service to YOU!



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