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Whenever we receive Love/energy of love from those around us (our friends, family, children, significant other and even acquaintances/strangers), our hearts light up embracing this wonderful energy and we experience physical, emotional, mind and soul Well-BE-ing. It's as if our Heart Centre becomes illuminated and heart-centred feelings of peace, harmony, health, joy, compassion, kindness, clarity, acceptance, hope, faith are all simultaneously experienced within our being. Allowing ourselves to receive Love is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves! It inspires us to give the same and more, in return. It inspires us to take action and BEHAVE in heart-centred ways. It intrinsically inspires us to choose a heart-centred way of being. When we choose to actively participate in this exchange we choose and experience a life of higher vibrational frequencies, with a greater more authentic connection with ourselves and others. In fact our whole world becomes painted in colours of love and kindness and passion and hope .. And and .. It is truly a majestic harmonious balance of simultaneously receiving and giving. It is in fact our most natural way of being. We are made of this thing called the energy of love. There is not one living being born that doesn't have this etched into their DNA! This all reads very romantic and eutopian I hear you say .. The 'reality' is often very different ... Perhaps true ... ... and now we are asked to do better .. Now we are wanting better, different. Something inside of us is stirring. Our inner Goddess inner Warrior of Love/for Love is waking up, no longer satisfied with regular pedestrian relationships be it plutonic or intimate. 'That' seems to be very old school ... Very 20th Century .. On some level (conscious or subconscious) we are searching for a Union, a deeper more meaningful Union of heart/mind/body/soul within ourselves and those around us. We are starting to realise that maturity in only one or two aspects of self is no longer enough. We are starting to understand that there needs to be a maturity not just of body and intellect, but also of mind, emotion and spirit. A deeper insight into self that leads to self-awareness. An accountability for self and ones choices (notice I didn't write 'control') because we are starting to realise that: Even if we have the most attractive healthiest physical body but have the emotional maturity of an ameba and/or operate mostly from an intellectual perspective it just doesn't work Or, if we spend all of our time in the spiritual realm and disown/ignore our physical experience that is not healthy either (and wise-versa) Or, if we operate mostly from an emotional perspective at the expense of our mind and body we run the risk of emotional burn-out Etc ... The list is endless .. The variations are never ending ... There has to be balance and harmony of all aspects of self before we are able to recognise this within someone else and receive from them. But how? How is it that most heart/soul related things go so wrong despite our best intentions? How is it that the person/people in our lives that we love the most and say they love us back can create so much heart ache? At which point does it all seem to turn into a monumental *uck up? A shut down A blaming and shaming game Into volatility and aggression How do we recognise our part in this shit-fight so we can take responsibility and change the cycle? How do we step up and claim our right to Love? I leave you to gently ponder this for a bit ... Part 2 coming up shortly Watch this space ..

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