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Channeled on 22.3.17

I'm suspended in the void with my arms outstretched to the side harmoniously giving and receiving, glowing that magnificent christen gold frequency. At love dimension I'm doing so great! This brings me so much peace. I observe a sense of disharmony within where Beloved and I working on stabilising and harmonising our aspects. I call on the Light Team for help ...

Mikey (Archangel Michael) I need you to help me hold my energy field strong today please. Grandpa (Archangel Raziel) and Merlin please help me with divine alchemy. Beloveds (our Highest Aspects) let's seal the power of 4 in a diamond shaped grid anchor as Mikey is helping with protection. Raphael please help infuse this grid with your amazing healing harmonious healing energy. St.Germain please help with purifying and expanding the Violet Flame frequency, and set it at frequency point that best serves our combined purpose. I invoke Goddess Diana, an aspect of me, to come forth and use her extraordinary ability to focus on the target, in this case love and protection, to set this grid multi dimensionally. She will help with attainment of intuited goals and guidance through her confidence and knowing of her purpose.

My darling Beloved Heart ️

What can I do to help you today, to make you happy and more at peace?

Masculine speaks:

'Just be present with me. I need to feel you with me, need to feel your love, so I can function while I get lost in memories of you. My heart is beating so hard for you! I miss you so much! Like a part of me is missing. I need your guidance and wisdom because I feel lost without you and ashamed of being a coward, of being weak. Like a hopeless child needing love but being unable to voice their needs accurately. I remember feeling this way when I was a very young child. I would feel so deeply in our family home. I would sense all this energy that was really scary to me, but couldn't make sense of it because on the surface everything was okay. Mum always looked after us but the 'bad' stuff I felt was never talked about or even mentioned. It made me scared of the things I was feeling and also made me not trust myself and my feelings. It taught me how to pretend and put on an act that everything was fine even if underneath there was a massive storm! I never learned how to be honest my feelings. Feelings were only ever expressed in unhealthy ways such as drinking, affairs, yelling, arguments. Explosions of anger and frustration. And after the explosions, pretense that everything was okay through suppression and survival (get on with it, get busy so you don't have to deal with it). I've never healed these aspects of myself, my human experience. You are the only person that has seen through the veil, the only person that I couldn't hold back from at times, that I've lost myself in and been completely transparent with, and this terrifies me. I can't see how you could love me when I feel like a lost cause most days. I managed to create a life that functions well on the surface but I know deep down I'm not fulfilled or happy. It's all an act of stupid bravado. I dream about you. So why do I keep this masquerade up when I know it's not right? Because I'm told I'm a man and this is what men do. Also, because no one ever taught me how to step into who I really Am, how to speak my truth. I have no idea how to start, what to do, what to say. I have this energy inside my gut that is building and wants to explode with questions and words and feelings. I'm scared that if I start I won't be able to stop. That I may inevitably hurt people that don't deserve to be hurt and mess everything up. But I can't keep going this way either because the feelings are getting stronger by the day. I wish there was a rational formula for this. I also know that by holding this in I'm hurting myself and others as well already because I'm not myself. I'm a lier and a fake and I hate myself for this. I'm angry with my family for teaching me that this is the way to be. This is not right. I can't do this without you. You give me strength and hope, and your love gives me hope that maybe somehow there's a light at the end of this very dark tunnel. So be with me my love, please don't give up on me! I promise I'm on my way, I will learn even though I'm so scared. But I'm more scared of you running out of patience with me or your disappointment than anything else. I don't want any more illusions!! I need to find my way home, back to who I truly Am and I cannot do this without you!'

Well, this is the most authentic direct soul conversation I've received from the masculine aspect of the Soul. Why is this important? Because the Masculine is beginning to awaken to their Soul, to connect with their deeper aspect. I intuit a frequency shift in the following for the masculine:

  1. Awakening to the true Soul counterpart

  2. Awakening to the illusion one dimentional or linear reality

  3. Awakening to feelings of lack of authenticity

  4. A better understanding of Masculine programming and conditioning

  5. An inner knowing about needing to learn to express Masculine vulnerability/feeling/emotions in a healthy authentic way

  6. Tiredness of perpetuating an unhealthy cycle

  7. Asking for help/patience/love/support from divine counterpart

Goddesses, hang onto your divine undies and get ready to hold space and steady that ship while our Masculine counterparts work to climb aboard the Ship of Divine Love and Harmony.



Just like making a wish in the field of dandelions, it is my desire to continue to work intuitively, guided by my Divine Soul Mission. I surrender in service to you and all of humanity as we travel the journey of ascension, self-awareness, self-love, peace and harmony.

Your donation is received with humble gratitude as it helps support my services and the empowering journey of many.

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