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Soul to Sol Awakening Retreat March 7-9 2016

Leaving the city with the commuter traffic to my right crawling along the Pacific Highway - even at the early hour of 6.30 am, it was with a sigh of relief that I hit the National Park and opened my windows to let in the fresh air.

Govinda Valley Retreat was easy to find nestled amongst trees near Otford station, but I was far too early so I made my way to beach at Stanwell Park. There I connected with a lovely surfer who invited me to his home for coffee and a cooked breakfast – what a great start to the three days ahead. We were having such a great conversation that I nearly ended up being late but made it in time to meet Dijana and the others.

With five workshops over three days there was time to rest, BE and leave the artificial energy and stress of city life behind. A small, intimate group enabled us to connect, share and release our stories. It appears the last couple of years have been fraught for many people with loss, relationship breakdown and the falling away of many things that feel /felt safe and comfortable, but ultimately we have to let go of to move on.

Exciting times ahead, but if we remain believing/trusting in the interlocking systems (education, politics, media Etc.) that appear to dominate our world we could easily fall into fear (worry, anxiety, anger). We need each other. To support each other through massive change, to stay centred, hold the faith and practice kindness and patience as we work through this epic evolutionary moment in the history of human kind.

My work of healing and shedding continues but a workshop/ retreat is always a great kick-start to changing habits and engrained conditioning. Yes you have to return to the ‘real’ world but stronger in purpose to create change.

Djana as facilitator holds the space with a warm, calm energy that allows the magic of the present moment, the unique combination of the group ( Skype is great but as human beings we love real connection) and the contribution of various facilitators , ritual, movement and learning to create a shift. Along with the clean, wholesome food of Govinda and the lovely peaceful environment Soul to Sol was a most welcome opportunity to nurture the awakening process.

Elizabeth Routledge

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